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Clinical Site Resources

Clinical Site Resources

Find the resources available to our affiliated clinical sites.
  •   General Information
    Learn more information about our affiliated clinical site program.
    •   Criteria for Being an Affiliated Clinical Site


      • 从业人员必须有当前有效的兽医执照,不受兽医委员会的制裁
      • 医生和工作人员必须对教学有热情和个性,有足够的时间来指导和指导学生.
      • Site meets all safety standards for imaging, DEA, fire, OSHA, MSDS ...
      • For Specialty Practice designation, they must have on-site subject matter experts; these may be specialty college diplomates or other specialty designations.
      • 一个强大的病例负荷丰富多样的临床教育经验
      • Presence of reference resources (may be provided by LMU-CVM)
      • Physical facilities in compliance with AVMA-COE requirements.
      • A clinical pathology laboratory on-site or accessible
      • 诊断仪器和住院病人的护理是可接受的护理标准
      • Necropsy capabilities available or accessible
      • Comprehensive and retrievable medical records to support teaching, research, and service programs of the College
      • 规定学生互动和讨论在病人的工作, including physical diagnosis, diagnostic problem-oriented decision-making, and case management decisions.
      • The presence of an environment that promotes lifelong learning
      • 允许LMU-CVM监督和监控学生教育经历的环境的存在,并对学生的评估进行反馈
      • 现场有会议室或办公区供小组学习使用
      • Wireless internet accessibility
      • 具备与LMU-CVM进行电子交互的计算机能力.
      • 隔离设施现场或访问适当的警告标志和张贴协议.
      • 愿意定期向学生提供反馈.
      • 愿意允许临床现场质量保证(CAQA)检查由LMU-CVM临床关系团队成员进行,并遵循由此产生的建议.
      • 愿意参加LMU-CVM认为必要的培训和其他高质量的支持活动
    •   Expectations of an Affiliated Clinical Site

      教育是我们通往未来的通行证,因为明天属于今天为之做准备的人. Malcolm X


      • 当学生在诊所时,诊所必须始终至少有一名兽医(临床教育者)在现场,该兽医持有有效的兽医执照,不受兽医委员会的制裁.
      • 一个临床站点必须有一个健康的文化,支持我们的学生.
      • 需要有一名医生作为主要临床教育者,他将是我们的主要联系人,并负责学生医学培训的各个方面.
      • 可以有多个兽医作为临床教育工作者,并与主要临床教育工作者一起培训和指导学生.
      • 主要临床教育工作者将填写1-2个学生评估每个块
      • 临床站点将为LMU-CVM提供开放块的时间表,以便安排学生参加.
      • 临床站点将保持LMU-CVM对影响项目的人员变化的更新
    •   Process to become an Affiliated Clinical Site
  •   Resources
  •   Frequently Asked Questions
    Get the answers to our most frequently asked questions.
    •   如果我成为LMU-CVM临床合作伙伴,需要什么?
      临床合作伙伴应致力于终身教学和学习. 我们的临床分支机构提供高质量的工作环境,强调团队合作,处理各种繁忙的病例. Further, 临床附属机构应该有一个真诚的愿望,以回馈下一代兽医. As a Clinical Affiliate, 你需要为学生提供公正的评价和及时的建设性反馈.

      If you would like to become a Secondary Instructional Site, completion of initial and follow-up training is required.
    •   Why Should I become an LMU-Clinical Affiliate Partner?
      As a Clinical Affiliate, you will have the opportunity:


      To gain intellectual stimulation by learning from students, LMU-CVM faculty, and other affiliate partners on the latest veterinary findings.



      To learn and grow as a Clinical Affiliate team.

      在选定的地理区域内,为附属机构提供二级教学地点的临床教育,收取专业贡献和相关费用的报酬, 专科兽医执业医师和提供精选临床经验的场所.
    •   How do Clinical Affiliate Partners Help LMU-CVM?
      LMU-CVM的临床合作伙伴帮助学院吸引最优秀的学生, motivate and inspire educators, excite and engage stakeholders and empower graduates.
    •   How Do I find out more?
      To find out more, 浏览我们的网站,并联系LMU-CVM临床关系和LMUCVM的外展团队 or 423.869.6009.