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Our Heritage. Your Future.

At LMU Law, we are excited about our future and want you to be part of it. Lincoln Memorial University founded the John J. Duncan, Jr. School of Law in 2009 to become a key player in training tomorrow's lawyers. Our location in downtown Knoxville, accessible faculty, first-rate facilities, 严格的课程设置提供了一个学习环境,使我们的学生处于法律教育的最前沿.

 In just a few years, LMU Law has already begun making a positive impact wholly disproportionate to our size. We have established a rapport with members of the bench, the bar, and the wider community. 我们的教师都是各自领域的专家,他们也与当地学校一起参与公共服务活动, clinics, social agencies, and other organizations.

Anxious to see the law come to life, our students are active in pro bono work, internships, externships, and countless student organizations. 我们的学生也在模拟法庭比赛和模拟审判比赛中取得了成功. These activities complement a comprehensive classroom experience offering small classes, accessible teachers, 还有一个学术支持项目被一位外部顾问形容为全国最好的项目之一. If you are interested in a legal education that is anything but conventional, let us help you unlock your potential.

Student-Centered Technology

At LMU Law, our teaching model uses interactive software to help students interpret, analyze, and apply legal concepts. 我们的教师还使用这些程序来测试整个学期的小组和个人进展,以确定学习挑战. Our classes are recorded for later viewing or listening.

Since lawyers spend much of their time finding information, LMU Law's curriculum emphasizes mastering the art of legal research in the 21st century. Unlike most law schools, our librarians do not sit at circulation desks. 他们遍布整个法学院,随时为学生和教师提供支持. 他们也被纳入我们的学术支持计划,帮助学生发展他们在法学院和以后需要的研究技能.

Passionate and Skilled Faculty

Any law school's strength lies in the quality of its faculty. LMU Law is proud of its faculty members, 谁对学生的成功表现出非凡的奉献精神,并在各自的专业领域保持领先地位. Our faculty are frequently invited to speak at conferences in the U.S. and abroad. 他们的学术著作可以在领先的出版物中找到,反映了他们对探索各自领域的理论和实践维度的承诺. These pursuits enrich classroom instruction, 帮助我们的教师通过将法律置于各种环境中来挑战学生超越教科书. LMU Law's faculty also support student life as mentors, advisors, and supervisors for student organizations.

Innovative and Insightful Teaching

At LMU Law, legal education is not merely an academic process, but an invitation to see the world from different angles. 作为具有前瞻性思维的教师,我们的教授们的使命不仅仅是教书. 他们使用我们的小班授课,以确保每个学生都能得到在法学院罕见的个人关注. We are confident that our learning spaces offer a unique combination of technology, intimacy, and academic rigor that will help LMU Law's alumni become tomorrow's leaders in law, business, public interest advocacy, government, and anywhere else their dreams may take them.

Commitment to Academic Success

就像机械师需要他们的工具一样,法律专业的学生和律师也需要多种核心能力. These include the ability to read large volumes of material, identify and analyze relevant pieces of information, conduct thorough legal research, produce high-quality written work, and present effective oral arguments on issues of law. 我们的教师包括一个有才华的专家团队,他们帮助学生发展他们的手艺,成为明天的律师. 学生们被分成几个小组,在那里他们准备各种基于技能的作业,旨在完善21世纪法律实践所需的一些技术技能.

A Historical and Cultural Crossroads

Old Knoxville City Hall

Our cutting-edge facilities lie within walls that tell the story of Knoxville itself. LMU Law占据了位于诺克斯维尔历史悠久的老城区和充满活力的市场广场附近的五座相互连接的建筑. 主楼建于19世纪40年代,最初是田纳西聋人学校的所在地. The school occupied this site continuously until 1924, except for a three-year period during the Civil War when the building served as a hospital. The property served as the site of Knoxville's City Hall from 1925 until 1980, and the home of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) from 1983 until 1993. LMU Law opened in 2009.