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General Exercise Science

To inquire about this program:

体育与运动科学系为学生提供了对生理的理解, biomechanical, 以及运动对人体的心理影响. The Department offers three majors, 每个课程都旨在为学生在快速发展的健康领域的广泛职业生涯做好准备, and fitness.


Degrees Offered


无论是普通的还是专业前的运动科学学位都将为学生进入运动科学领域做准备. 然而,学位选择在学生为学位后课程做准备方面有所不同. Students that plan to attend professional school, such as occupational therapy, 应该参加普通运动科学-预培训学位课程吗. 计划参加物理治疗的学生,应参加 联合健康科学学院的运动与康复科学. 普通运动科学将为学生在健康和健身领域的广泛职业生涯做好准备. 学生可以选择本系提供的专业,也可以选修申请PA课程所需的选修课程, chiropractic programs, or graduate studies in exercise physiology. 


Four Year Plans

General Exercise Science - Four Year Plan.

General Exercise Science Pre- OTD Four Year Plan.


General Exercise Science 

Example of a first time freshman General Exercise Science Student Schedule. 





Sports Coaching Concentration

Bring your passions for exercise, sports, 当你完成学士学位课程时,你将专注于体育教练的领导能力和团队合作.

Required courses include:

  • HLTH 360 Drug Awareness
  • HLTH 414 Contemporary Issues in Health and Fitness
  • PEXS 313 Issues in Sport- Youth thru Young Adult
  • PEXS 320 Legal Aspects of Sports
  • PEXS 354 Techniques and Coaching
  • PEXS 386力量与调节的练习与应用
  • PEXS 450 Leadership in Coaching
  • PEXS 493B Practicum in Coaching

Sports Therapy Concentration

专注于运动和运动科学的治疗方面, 学习如何指导运动员通过康复和各种运动疗法.

Required courses include:

  • PEXS 434 Foundations and Administration
  • PEXS 444 Advanced Sports Emergency Care
  • PEXS 474 Injury Evaluation
  • PEXS 476 Evidence-Based Practice & Research Methods
  • PEXS 487 Therapeutic Modalities
  • PEXS 488 Rehabilitation of Ath Injuries
  • PEXS 494 General Medical Conditions
  • PEXS 497 Senior Seminar

Health Concentration

我们的运动和运动科学学士学位课程提供标准的健康浓度, 哪些将为你在卫生保健和卫生管理方面的广泛角色做好准备.

Required courses include:

  • HLTH 230 Family Living
  • HLTH 320 Public Health
  • HLTH 330 Consumer and Environmental Health
  • HLTH 340 School Health Programs and Services
  • HLTH 360 Drug Awareness
  • HLTH 370 Health Disparities
  • HLTH 470 Health of the Elderly
  • HLTH 493 Practicum in Health


General Exercise Science Pre OTD

Example of a General Exercise Science PRE OTD student schedule.

This major is for students interested in applying to Occupational Therapy School


  1. 3+3 that results in a B.S. General Exercise Science and an OTD. (Internal to LMU undergraduate students only via the GPA Program)
  2. 3+3 that results in only an OTD
  3. Direct entry (traditional admission pathway)

Pathway 1

Guaranteed Professional Admission (GPA) Program

LMU保证专业录取(GPA计划)是澳门威尼斯人赌城的一个独特的计划,允许高成就, 高度积极的高中毕业生在成功完成LMU的本科学位后,获得我们专业学位途径之一的保证录取. 每个专业项目的基准和要求略有不同,但都致力于为成功的GPA项目参与者提供专业教育的开端.

有关GPA计划的更多信息,请访问 GPA page for more information.

一般练习预培训学位为符合学术资格的新生提供3+3个直接进入的机会 LMU Doctor of Occupational Therapy.

The requirements for this program are outlined below.

  1. 高中毕业,平均绩点(GPA) 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale. 
  2. 最低 数学(21) ACT成绩 或最低数学SAT成绩530.
  3. 学生将被要求回答一个以职业治疗为重点的写作提示/个人陈述.
  4. 两(2)个字符引用(从以下选择2个)
  • Guidance counselor/humanities teacher 
  • Science Teacher 
  • Coach
  • Employer

作为 BS/OTD学生 入学的新生,在满意地完成 上述 要求后,将被允许进入OTD计划. 完全接受将授予满意的完成标准的进展到专业的OTD计划. 学生还必须完成LMU的通识教育核心课程要求 和学士学位要求,以获得 在OTD课程的第一年结束时获得一般运动学士学位.



 Guaranteed Professional Admission (GPA) Program Supplemental Application

Pathway 2

  • Entry with 90+ hours (3+3)- 在本科前90学时表现优异的学生. 该学生能够在没有学士学位的情况下完成OTD学位.



Do you have a minimum of 90 semester hours of college coursework completed? If no, will 90 在预期的OT课程注册前完成?

3.0 overall GPA on all college coursework.

2.8 overall GPA on all college math/science coursework.


Three professional letters of reference

Personal Statement



Anatomy and Physiology with Lab (4 credits)

Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab (4 credits)

Kinesiology or Biomechanics (3 credits)

Human Growth and Development OR Lifespan Development (3 credits)

Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)

Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)

Sociology, Anthropology, OR Philosophy (3 credits)

Statistics (3 credits)

Medical terminology (1-3 credits)



Pathway 3

Please refer to the OTD admissions page for more information.


Sport and Exercise Science Outside the Classroom

作为LMU的一名学生,你不仅仅是考勤表上的一个数字. We know that you're not here just to take classes; you're here for the hands-on experiences and unique opportunities to build relationships with colleagues in your field. 我们的教师理解帮助你建立人际关系的重要性,并确保你在课后有一个计划. 

The Sport and Exercise Science Majors Club 在校园运动科学领域为学生提供多种社交和专业发展的途径. 

Explore Student Life at LMU

